Briarwood HOA Meeting
January 14, 2025
· The meeting was held in person at High Caliber Karting as well as online via Microsoft Teams. It was called to order at 7:02 pm.
· Board Members
o Present: Mike Karagoulis, Lynne Page, George Platsis, and Jim Rypkema at High Caliber. Kayla Daniels, Pat Daniels, and Chrislyn Particka online.
o Absent: Jean Zwier (joined by phone late)
Guests: Brenda Howser, Sherly Page, Kathi Rypkema at High Caliber. Maria de Bruin Molina, Cory Pahl, Elizabeth Pahl, Ryan Roberts, Jeff Thornton, and Meghan Webber online.
· Lynne noted that the word “not” needed to be added to the sentence “Chrislyn announced that she has decided to [not] run for a board position after all.”
· Chrislyn announced that Jean had emailed her to say that she had no suggested changes.
· Pat made a motion to approve the minutes with the suggested change.
o George seconded.
o The vote was a unanimous yes (Mike, Lynne, George, Jim, Kayla, Pat, and Chrislyn) and the motion carried.
· There were no announcements.
President’s Report
· Pat announced that he had confirmed with Kinawa School administration that the library is reserved for the annual board meeting on February 11.
Vice President’s Report
· No report
Treasurer’s Report
· Lynne reviewed the P&L statement for November and December.
o The December P&L is in draft form as she needs to go back to previous dues ledgers to finalize it.
o There was nothing unexpected in expenditures. There was a landscaping bill in November that was for mowing done in October. The December landscaping fees will be paid in January as the bill came too late to be paid in December.
o In profits, some past due dues were collected.
· Lynne gave a report on past due dues assessments.
o She hand-delivered past due notices to 38 homeowners in December. Some owed for multiple years. As of now, the HOA is still owed $2,631 in dues.
o Lynne reported that the dues spreadsheet she was given in August had broken links and was missing information that she needed to prepare notices. She received a corrected version in September and used that to prepare notices in October, and that schedule was missing some payments, which was used for the third dues notices sent in December. There was missing information about home sales, and she noted that the membership information is not up to date.
· Lynne reported that the issue with commercial and liability insurance has been resolved and all parcels, both owned and leased, are insured for $296 more per year.
· Mike thanked Lynne, noting she’s collected about $11,500.
· Pat noted that a line item should be added to indicate that $1500 was transferred from Quickbooks. Lynne will note in on the January financials.
· Mike asked how much is still uncollected. Lynne said that it’s $2,631 and that she thinks that liens will have to be filed, and one of the houses is currently for sale.
Secretary’s Report
· No report.
Audit Chair
· Lynne stated that she will gather the committee once the year end financials are completed. She has a form for volunteers; they must not be signers on the bank account.
· Mike asked what the audit committee does.
o Lynne said that she will prepare a form that the committee will use as they review the financials; check off that certain things have been done.
o Mike asked if it made sense to outsource, and Lynne said that yes, anyone in the neighborhood can help and that she’d like three people if possible. Jim and Brenda volunteered.
Question from the chat related to the Treasurer’s Report from Kayla/Pat: Is there a reason that there is not a copy of the dues ledger in the shared drive? There was discussion that ledger being where Lynne is keeping track of dues owed by which address, when payments were made, etc., and that the leger is not public when it’s in the drive, as the drive can only be accessed by board members. Lynne said that she will share it.
Communications Committee
· Chrislyn gave a brief overview of the results of the survey.
o 84% of respondents were in favor of using existing funds for an improvement project, 15% were not, and 1% were “maybes.” There were 149 votes.
o 34% of respondents were in favor of a special assessment, 61% were not, and 5% were “maybes.” There were 137 total votes.
o Of the projects listed on the survey, the results were
Lynne thanked Chrislyn for her work on the survey and asked if any residents had included email addresses. Chrislyn said that some did, and they were included in the spreadsheet that was uploaded to the shared drive, as were any hand-written comments that had been included on returned surveys.
Pat said that next year, he would volunteer for the communications committee as he’d like to get email addresses updated and work to build a new database.
Pat also said that he’d like each committee chair to prepare slides to share at the February meeting.
Events Committee
· No report; no events since the November meeting.
Maintenance Committee
· Mike reported that some maintenance projects were on hold due to not having insurance coverage on some properties. Now that the issue is resolved, work can continue.
· One of the pathway lights has been strobing and he hopes to repair when there is a break in the weather.
· There are some erosion problems along the pathway be Smith Creek that need to be addressed; some of the big stones have washed away. He will likely ask Sisu to fix it.
· The pond repairs are continuing. A new recirculating pump has been installed, and the county has said that the recharge pump is the HOA’s to maintain. It does need some work. Pat asked if we had the keys to the recharge pump, and Chrislyn said that Pat Lindemann said that we should. Mike also said that when he was working on the shed, he found blueprints of the pond which showed a woodchip path around it, and that if that was part of the original plan, that he would like to see it continued.
· There was also discussion about dead/damaged trees that either need to be taken down or topped. All of the work on these trees was previously approved.
· Chrislyn reported that she had not been able to find another lawn care company to do a reduced pesticide/fertilizer application plan like LawnTech. There was discussion about what is included in the LawnTech plan and Chrislyn will have a proposal to vote on at the February meeting.
Election Committee
· There was discussion about who should be on the committee to count ballots. The board agreed that nobody who is on the ballot should be on the committee. Mike, Chrislyn, Pat, and Kayla volunteered. Lynne turned her mail key over to Mike and he has been collecting mail.
· There was discussion about how to handle ballots where the address cannot be verified in order to determine if the homeowner is current on dues. Many homeowners pay online via PayPal, and some mailed their ballots with no return address; however, instructions were not included in the dues/ballots mailings to notify homeowners of the need for address verification. The board decided to set ballots aside where the address cannot be verified and then tally those separately. If there are enough to make a difference in the outcome of the election, the committee will decide how to handle them.
· Mike made a motion for the election committee to be Pat, Rick or Sarah Grillo, Chrislyn, and himself.
o Pat seconded.
o The vote was a unanimous yes (Mike, Lynne, George, Jim, Kayla, Pat, and Chrislyn) and the motion carried.
[Jean called into the meeting at 8:08 pm.]
· There was discussion that Mike was collecting and holding the ballots and putting them into a lockbox.
Welcoming Committee
· Jean reported that Chrislyn welcomed three homeowners in November. There are two more that she will welcome in the next few weeks. She will also check to see if there are more new homeowners to add to the list.
ACCE Committee
· Kayla reported that there no requests have been submitted.
Old Business
· Lynne stated that the board will need to develop a policy on solar panels during the next year, per the requirement under the new state law.
New Business
· None
Guest Comments
· Ryan requested that the election committee count any ballots that are not included in the final tally and make that information public at the annual meeting.
· Pat made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
o Jim seconded.
o The vote was a unanimous yes (Mike, Lynne, George, Jim, Kayla, Pat, Jean, and Chrislyn) and the motion carried.
· The meeting adjourned at 8:23 pm.