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April Meeting Minutes

Cory Pahl

Updated: Apr 8, 2024

Briarwood Homeowners Association

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Meeting Minutes

Call to order at 7:08 pm

  1. Roll call – board members present: Fochtman, Wilson, C. Pahl, E. Pahl, Byrd-Daniels, Styka, Zwier.

    1. Members absent: Cuik

  2. Review and Approval of prior meeting minutes. Motion made by E. Pahl to approve minutes. Motion seconded by Wilson. Motion unanimously approved.

  3. Treasurer’s Report: Kayla Byrd Daniels has access to bank accounts as of 4/13/21. Balance as of 4/12 in checking - $###; savings - $###. CD - $###. There were unaccounted Charges to Spotify on a charge card that had not been activated by a former treasurer, J. Quintero. Byrd-Daniels will follow up and reach out to J. Quintero, and if necessary will treat it as fraud.

  4. Announcements

    1. Thank you to Cory Pahl for work on the new website.

    2. Thank you to Kayla Byrd-Daniels for working with 5/3rd Bank to have all banking documents switched over to the present board members, and updated.

    3. BHOA is fully insured by Lebuda Totte Bray Insurance Company. Fochtman is POC. She is making a master list of all vendors, including contact information, payment information, login information and account numbers with the addition of pertinent notes. This information will be in the shared G: Drive In Documents.

  5. Committee Reports

    1. The Budget submitted by Josh Newton, former president of the BHOA was discussed at length. Areas covered included cost of sandwich boards, residents not paying dues, and bookkeeping accuracy. Byrd-Daniels will send reminders to residents who have not paid dues.

    2. ACCE Requests: The request of Resident Stotland to expand his backyard patio was approved unanimously.

      1. The request of Resident Nanzer to install a fence was approved unanimously.

    3. Publicity/Communications: C. Pahl will be working on portals for residents to pay dues, special garbage pick up, and other like needs. A motion was made by Byrd-Daniels and seconded by E. Pahl to allow the BHOA to accept payments through the website. This motion was unanimously approved.

    4. Events: The events calendar was approved for the coming year.

      1. Garage sale – June 4th/5th

      2. Trash to Treasure – June 7th

      3. Special Granger Pickup – June 8th

      4. National Night Out – August 3rd (only area will be near the pond)

      5. Briarwood Picnic – September 18th, raindate September 19th

      6. Halloween Parade – October 31st

      7. Luminary Event – December 21st

    5. Maintenance: The tree on Raleigh cul-de-sac is under the purview of the Ingham County Road Commission. They indicated they would cut it down in December. Styka indicated to them it was not dead,but only needed dead limbs removed and that October would be a better month. She will follow up this problem.

      1. Wilson also voiced concern on whether the well head in the storage shed was properly capped.

    6. Nominations had nothing to report.

    7. Welcoming: committee would like to include maps of the subdivision and suggestions of areas of need and interest for residents to refer to.

    8. Garden Water Supply: Discussion followed on borrowing money for the community garden to install a water source. The Ingham County Land Bank will donate three tanks (250 gallon tanks). Hoses, nozzles etc. would have to be purchased. The tanks will be in the open all year. To protect against UV rays, extra maintenance would be incurred. A water line could be installed at the cost of $4,500. Extra cost would include the cost of the water. Cost would be covered by increasing plot fees with expected payback in 3 years. Another suggestion (submitted by a neighbor in attendance) for a water source would be to connect to a house that backs up to the garden. The BHOA would pay the water bill of the resident.

    9. There were questions over the meaning of: “miscellaneous maintenance” in the budget, and what it includes. No one knew for certain.

    10. Wilson inquired about the well head and if it was properly plugged.

Old Business

  1. Kayla Byrd-Daniels made a motion to approve the Budget for 2021. Styka seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

  2. No bids have come in yet to replace pathway lights with LED lights.

  3. Wilson indicated that he had not received the previous bids on entrance beautification. As soon as he received them, he would follow up on getting bids to beautify the entrances.

  4. New Business

  5. Zwier will contact the Ingham County water department to find out the timeline for attending to the repair and needs of the Briarwood Pond.

  6. E. Pahl indicated that new signs on the walkways are needed.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:03 pm.


4/30/2021 by

G. Styka

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